Stone is a hip-hop enthusiast residing in NJ/PA. As an aspiring hip-hop producer, Stone studies communications and shares his passion for music by letting the world in on the wonderful world of hip-hop.
Stone is co-founder of The Hip Hop Speakeasy - The hub for aspiring hip-hop artists and hip-hop commentary.
The Hip Hop Speakeasy started between two friends with a passion for hip-hop. The Hip Hop Speakeasy began as a hub for its creators to share hip-hop music that they felt was slept-on.
Fast-forward a few years and The Hip Hop Speakeasy transitioned from a personal blog to a full-on music blog, featuring interviews, editorials, and album reviews. Content was being published daily, mostly music submitted by artists.
In 2014, things began to slow down as many of The Hip Hop Speakeasy writers started new jobs or had other life-altering changes occur. Content was being published as regularly and the quality of content never improved.
The Hip Hop Speakeasy entered its unofficial hiatus in the spring of 2015. In the fall of 2016, work went underway to bring back The Hip Hop Speakeasy in an entirely new form.
Instead of sharing underground music all the time, The Hip Hop Speakeasy would be a guide, a resource for hip-hop artists, producers, engineers, labels, managers and the like to get the tools, tips, tricks and knowledge they need to begin their career in the hip-hop industry.
The Hip Hop Speakeasy re-launched in early 2017 with a new goal in mind: help those interested in entering the hip-hop music industry gain insight to get started.